What is it?

A friend asked me if I knew anything about this piece. Looked like something used for fiber and therefore I might know something about it. I have guessed it might have been used for a darning bowl with the pegs used for storing frequently used colors of thread. Anyone know?

That awkward moment…

I see these “awkward moment” statuses on my Facebook feed and I find them amusing, mostly.

Today, I had one myself. Here’s my awkward moment…when you finally find (and buy) the yarn you wanted for the pattern you bought last summer, and you finally have time to get going on the project…but you can’t locate the pattern, and even worse, you’re not sure if you’ll recognize it when you find it. It could have been Minimalist Cardigan by Ruthie Nussbaum

simple knit cardigan with seed stitch trimmed in stockinette for the front band forming the collar


or this..


or this


And before you know it, there are a dozen new ideas for that yarn! Should have called this post, why I need to clean out my knitting/shopping bags more often.

Hope you are finding plenty of wonderful projects to start and a few to finish, too!

I was trying to ignore Black Friday

Wait! Black Friday includes yarn??? Maybe I do “need” to shop today!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Knitted turkey. Round brown body, yellow beak with red spot. Little black eyes. Red and yellow tail feathers.

Free pattern here.

City girl meets farm fresh!

I’m a City Girl. Grew up in the suburbs, definitely not the country. Or a farm with livestock. So my “give it a try” intrepid-ness leads to some interesting results.

Last night, I took a plunge. Well, four ounces of raw Finn fleece for my fiber study took the plunge, to be exact. Into a bag, then into a bucket of hot soapy water. Lots of water. Several rinses later, the water running clear. My first time washing raw fleece and although I’d heard several times what I needed to do, I was still uncertain. Deep breath. Squeezed the water out of the bag and hung it up to drip for a while. Another big squeeze and a roll in a towel, gently. Trying to keep the fleece from felting. Pulled the fleece out of the bag and spread it out. Trying to see if it was clean. Found lots of vegetable matter…maybe too much? Maybe this bit o’fleece was a bit more “farm fresh” than I knew!

I got this batch from Great Lakes Twisted Spinners, and didn’t stop to wonder if it was skirted. Wishful thinking. Oops! (Rhymes with….)

To skirt a fleece, you have to pick out all the undesirable (poop-y, matted, dirty, short) bits. Note to self, ALWAYS inspect fleece! Next time, I will be sure to spread out the fiber BEFORE I wash it.

p.s. On the upside, I have some awesome, fluffy, lustrous, grey and dark brown locks to spin, City Girl that I am.

Jim Simpson – The Toughest Knitter Alive

Jim Simpson – The Toughest Knitter Alive.

On my needles, the Farwell Jacket

I’ve let my travels and travails separate me from this page for too long! As a teaser, here’s what’s on my needles right now. Due to the touch of the return key at an inopportune time, you might get this image twice. Apologies for the techno-fumble to all.
Farwell Jacket

Work-in-progress (in the knitting realm a WIP) #1 is the Farwell Jacket in Kauni yarn.

I started this about a year ago.  I’m pretty sure I was in a post workshop stupor after a weekend with Michael Cook learning the ins and outs of silk reeling when I saw this pattern at the Trading Post for Fiber. I grabbed yarn and needles, cast on for gauge swatch, got gauge, and merrily cast on the back of the sweater. Five hour drive home seemed perfect, and the Danish wool warm and colorful. Pottery work and shows, Christmas and a nasty winter illness slowed progress. Knit it until an early spring heat wave halted the action due to sweaty hands felting the WIP! Now cool days return. I took it on my road trip to NY SHEEP & WOOL. Looked at it with fresh eyes and started wondering…wondering how it would fit. The pattern says since the pieces are knit from side to side, the size is easily adjusted.

I stopped. I held up one of the front panels to my body. The stockinette stitch edge rolled like crazy. Looked like the front was about five inches wide. All the blocking in the world wasn’t going to make this fit me. No way, no how!

Adjustments are being made. I have undone the cast off edge of one front, and have added some width. And I have changed the stitch pattern on the edge to calm the rolling. (Sorry designer.) I will call it Farwell Jacket with modifications. Unless I change my mind. If I don’t like how it looks, I can unravel (the edge, not me–I hope!) and re-knit. I’m so glad I love this yarn! Long color repeats in beautiful shades of the red family!

View of three balls of yarn. Shades of red to bright pink in each ball

So beautiful and fun to see the long color changes.

I must adjust and persist to prevail. I know I’m going to love this sweater when I’m done! Til then, the blustery wind from the Super storm will be the inspiration and motivator! Stay tuned for updates. Stay warm all, and happy, cozy knitting!

Knitted Cupcake and Tea Yum!

I love this idea! So much comfort with so few calories, plus the wonder of good memories. Brilliant!

Knitting Is Awesome!

Love this photo!  Makes me think of having tea with my Grandma 🙂

source: http://dailyteacup.tumblr.com/post/26755361233


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Knitting and waiting, in the meantime

Today, after I visit an “end of summer yarn sale” at my LYS, I’ll be heading to the hospital. My 82 y.o. mother fell this week for the second time in 9 months. Luckily, she didn’t break any bones or hurt herself in any serious way. She’s weak, though, and her arthritis is causing her to suffer, so getting her pain under control has been a priority. This afternoon, if all goes to plan, we’ll be moving her to a skilled care/rehab facility.  After that, she’ll want to return home, and we’ll have to see if that’s feasible.

Times like these are when knitting and spinning give me comfort and focus. I’ve had my knitting with me, as well as my little drop spindle with the beautiful green fiber, (BFL if you must know.)  Without something to do while we’ve waited for everything, (and there’s a lot of waiting in a hospital visit) I’d get more worried and it would seem like an eternity. Instead, I can focus on my handwork and calm my mind. Decidedly, this keeps me from acting like a lunatic when something doesn’t go well. I’m sure the staff would kiss my yarn, if only they  knew!

Too bad the hospital had to close the yarn shop when the economy tanked. With what the nursing  staff does day in and day out, and all the cranky people they help, I should teach them how to knit or spin on their breaks!

So for now, that’s it from me. I’m off to score some sale yarn, load up some endorphins, and make that move with Mom. Wish me luck!

I should have gone to the UFO lock in!

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I don’t know about you, but I have a few pieces that are minutes away from “finished”. UFO= un-finished object in knitting world. That Vesper sweater for the summer (check and sew the pleats), Allie’s birthday bag (attach i-cord and magnetic fastener), and that sock where I’m going to fix the toe. Probably something else in this category that I’ll find when I’m looking for stuff.

In short, I need a finishing session. Since I’m heading to Stitches Midwest 2012 in Chicago next week, I could use the space in my knitting bags, and a place or two on the project queue for any irresistible, exciting and breath-taking pieces which might inspire me! I should have gone to the UFO lock in!

While I was in Virgina I visited a cool shop, Nature’s Yarns. When I walked in, I was greeted immediately and invited to sit with my knitting since I explained I was a visitor. My sis and I had fun looking at all the pretty yarns, yarn tasting in goblets on the table, samples and other goodies. My sis had purchased some silk caps and an art batt for me at this shop about a year prior, so I was glad to see the spinning supplies. I met a fellow spindle fan, Susi (waves!) who is one of the instructors at the shop. As we browsed and chatted, the place was a beehive of activity. I felt very welcomed, and was so excited to “find my people”!

So, as I was having my yarn wound for a new cowl project, I noticed a flyer for an event at the shop. It caught my attention, because these people were getting ready for their “very first UFO (Unfinished Object) Lock-In evening!” including a potluck, and instructors to help with questions. What a fun idea and a great way to push through those finishing details that trip us up.

Makes me wish I’d be back in Northern Virginia to join them on Saturday. They say space is very limited, so call ahead if you’ve a mind to go.

Meantime, I’ll be rounding up my UFO’s and making a plan! Anyone up for a SE Michigan version?